- Touch screen of 32″ to guide the user
- CPU integrated
- Wi-Fi connection
- Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) 57 x 186 x 36 cm
- Base that supports the kiosk
Want to know more
about the TQ – 100 ?
Discover the features and many functions of the TQ-100 with the detailed data sheet.
Install your Android or Windows sales software
With T-Quiosk, you can choose either Android or Windows operating system, depending on which one best suits your business.
Works autonomously and uninterruptedly
T-Quiosk works automatically and uninterruptedly until your business closes, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
32″ touch screen
T-Quiosk has a 32″ touch screen with which the user can interact and navigate freely between different product and service pages.
Column design to optimize space
The T-Quisok 100 model easily fits into your business space.